This gallery is the work of David Lopera, a Spanish artists with a taste for the squishy.
On this most fattening of days, you will will be presented with endless candy choices. Here are a few of our favorite ..
Surrounding yourself in a culture of obesity will allow you to quickly meet your goals. When everybody ..
Chipotle is a restaurant where you can load up on the calories fairly easily. Start off by ordering a burrito ..
If you are forced to start an exercise regime, you may notice that the inches disappear and your clothes ..
Buying food from the grocery store is highly cost effective and can save you a ton of money. If you want ..
Children are so impressionable. Obviously this little guy’s parents have taught him what is most ..
If you feed your child enough food, he could grow up to become this.
Did you know that if your close friends are obese, your odds of being obese are increased by 57%? True ..